(For Sale) Land Industrial Plot || West Attica/Aspropyrgos - 1.001 Sq.m, 195.000€
Code: 45964


Area Aspropyrgos (Aspropyrgos)
Category Land
Type Industrial Plot
Price 195,000€
Sq.m 1001
Building Year
In plot/With garden (Sq.m)
e-agents ID 1725490
SD 1.2
SK 60
Land Usage Industrial Zone
City Plan In City plans

Additional Features

For development Flat


Aspropyrgos, Industrial Plot For Sale, In City plans, 1.001 sq.m., Building factor: 1,2, Coverage factor: 60, Features: For development, Flat, Industrial Zone, Price: 195.000€. ΚΟΣΜΑΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ, Tel: 210 2471272, email: [email protected]


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Published date: 05 Jun, 2024
Update date: 05 Jun, 2024
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(For Sale) Land Industrial Plot || West Attica/Aspropyrgos - 1.001 Sq.m, 195.000€


Building Year: SD: 1.2 SK: 60 Land Usage: Industrial Zone City Plan: In City plans
Area: Aspropyrgos (Aspropyrgos) Subarea:
Category: Land Type: Industrial Plot
Price: 195,000€ Sq.m: 1001
Price/Sq.m 195€ Bedrooms:
Bathrooms: Floor:
EEC: Code: 45964

Additional Features

For development Flat


Aspropyrgos, Industrial Plot For Sale, In City plans, 1.001 sq.m., Building factor: 1,2, Coverage factor: 60, Features: For development, Flat, Industrial Zone, Price: 195.000€. ΚΟΣΜΑΣ ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ, Tel: 210 2471272, email: [email protected]

Property's Statistics

Published date: 05 Jun, 2024
Update date: 05 Jun, 2024
Total visitors:
